Fun Fat (Soluble Vitamins) Facts


I’m one of those people who is always up for sharing a ‘Fun Fact’. Often my family and I are discussing something, and I’ll have some completely unique, yet most likely trivial, fact about our topic that I just have to share. 

For example, recently some friends and I were chatting about vitamins and how they’re absorbed into our bodies from our food. My Fun Food Fact? There are vitamins that are only absorbed when eaten with some kind of dietary fat. 

These are called our ‘Fat Soluble’ vitamins. The fat acts as a taxi, transporting the vitamin from the food to where it needs to go. One great example of this is Vitamin A found in our humble carrots. It’s my favourite reason to add butter to them when roasting! Dark-leafy green veggies are loaded with Vitamin K, so mix them with some Avo or olive oil and you’re good to go! It’s important that we join these ingredients together when eating, if we don’t then our bodies have no way of absorbing these Fat Soluble Vitamins at the best time, when they’re available!

Feel free to share this foodie fact with your friends!


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