The year that was


Every year starts and I begin it with all the intention in the world to be a consistent blogger, sharing recipes and #lifehacks and Mum fails with my family. Then life rears its head and time fly’s and before I know it we’ve just celebrated the New Year and I’m back to setting blogging goals and business goals but never actually getting anywhere.

I always vow ‘this year will be different‘ then eventually beat myself up when it gets to the end of the year and I haven’t launched that podcast/written a blog post in 6 months/started that dream cooking school. I’d like to say that I’ve decided to take it easy on myself and just enjoy each day as it comes but I actually want to do these things, as well as enjoying each day. Or so I can enjoy the days more maybe?

So I thought I’d do a 2019-in-a-nut-shell for you, mainly so when I start blogging about our house renovations or talking about working casually at different jobs, you my dear reader might have some idea of what I’m talking about.

  • Phil and I bought a home. It’s a beautiful home, an old Queenslander house on the Sunshine Coast that needs a lot of TLC. I find it ironic that he was hoping to buy something new and I was hoping to build something of our own and we found this wonderful home that we’re slowly making our own. Follow me on insta @mix_taste_eat for more of my Reno updates.
New home - Ray White
  • I finished my Diploma of Nutrition!! I was so excited to receive my beautiful piece of paper. After finishing the Uni offered me a scholarship to complete the Bachelor, so I’m now two subjects off being a 3rd year Nutrition student and this much closer to being a qualified Nutritionist!
  • We lost our beloved pet of almost 14 years, Kayla. I’m constantly shocked at how much I miss her everyday.
  • Phil and I went on our first cruise! A couple friend of ours decided to hold their wedding aboard so it was a great excuse for a quick 3 day get away after the stress of the move with the house. Phil promptly got the man-flu. It rained for the whole time. It was cold and wet and I really really enjoyed it. I loved not having to cook and clean for ANYONE and would absolutely go on another! My favourite part was getting to sit with new people every night and chat about all our different lives.
cruise penguin!
  • I worked extensively with my Thermomix team when Thermomix launched a brand new model! My favourite part of my work is sharing the love of cooking and creating healthy meals, and how easy it is to cook at home and any way I can inspire others to do this is a win in my book! My wonderful team and I have been holding workshops all year in support of our customers (and will again this year!), and have been sharing the Thermomix love with so many families! I’m excited to see where 2020 takes us!
all the Thermomix's.
  • My baby boy turned 10 and I can’t deal with it. He’s so amazing and warm and hold so much of my heart. We had a Star Wars party and celebrated it with pool dives and BB8 cake.
  • My little Miss8 did her first Ballet concert in a few years, then promptly told me she doesn’t want to do ballet anymore. I’m pretty sure I’ve got her convinced to give Tap a try instead of giving dance up for good. Tap was such a big part of my life for so long growing up, and I think it’ll suit her bigger and louder than now personality a bit more.

So much more happened that I can’t remember at 11:15pm at night when I write this, but 2019 was amazing and busy and full on, I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings.

Between working 2 jobs and studying part time and prioritising time with my family, it’s no wonder this blog gets pushed to the back burner. I want to carve out more time and focus for Mix Taste Eat and my planned adventures this year. I will carve out more time. Even if it is at 11:15pm at night….


Cooking Workshops that inspire you to eat better, live healthier and have fun with food.

Get in touch:

P: 0400 394 180

All classes are held at
29B Mathew Street, Nambour, QLD



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