20 Things in 2020


Okay, okay. I know. 2020 has already started. But looking over my posts for the past few years, I can’t just not write this one, even though it’s late. It’s a constant in my blogging…putting out into the universe the things I’d like to come to me over the year. I enjoy reading over them at the end of the year and seeing what has come into fruition. Like my post from last year, we got the kids riding their bikes without trainers, I now hold a cooking workshop every month with my team, I’ve continued my studies and am holding my Distinction grade, my Yoga was up and down but I learned not to beat myself up about it, 10:30 is now my bedtime (outside of school holidays), I have many more photos of the kids and I devour about a book a fortnight.

Look…they’re still often trashy romance novels, but it still counts, right?

These posts are like sending my goals out to whoever is listening and saying ‘This is the life I want to live’.

And hoping someone, somewhere out there, takes note.

20 Things in 2020

  1. Plan a family holiday and actually go on it.
  2. Get our yard done/re-stumping done/floors finished so I can paint the house.
  3. Start and grow a beautiful and flourishing vegetable garden.
  4. Keep chickens!
  5. Continue my Yoga practice, aiming for at least 3 times a week.
  6. Create a beautiful space for my Yoga practice.
  7. Consistently go to the gym (more for my mental health than anything else!)
  8. Go on more Date Nights with my husband!
  9. Menu plan (almost) every week and stick to it.
  10. Complete my new Cookbook Challenge.
  11. Continue my studies! Once this year is done I’ll only have 2 subjects left!
  12. Attend a retreat/conference.
  13. Build my team to create a successful community of food lovers.
  14. Grow my Mix Taste Eat community more (by: sharing consistently, creating recipes, building my workshops to twice a month and more!).
  15. Write and release another 2 ebooks over 2020!
  16. Clean all the junk out of the kids rooms (send wine).
  17. Actually get a 2nd car.
  18. Attempt to stress less when life gets chaotic.
  19. Remember my keep cup or don’t buy a coffee!
  20. Put my phone down more and enjoy the moment!

What would be on your list?


Cooking Workshops that inspire you to eat better, live healthier and have fun with food.

Get in touch:

E: hello@mixtasteeat.com
P: 0400 394 180

All classes are held at
29B Mathew Street, Nambour, QLD



Learn about upcoming classes here:

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