When I first started blogging, I had a small site called ‘The Strands Of Me’. I would write about our life in a small town in central Queensland, raising our kids, recipes I enjoyed cooking and what I creating at home.
At the end of each year I would write a post about what I wanted from the year that’s coming, and at the end of the year I’d reflect on how I went. Sometimes I could tick ambitions off, I’d have gotten most things I’d asked for, and sometimes I needed to reflect on why I hadn’t, which is a good exercise in itself.
So as we are now hurtling towards 2019 at epic speeds, I thought I would create a list of 19 Things in 2019:
19 Things in 2019:
- Write and publish 2 more Cookbooks
- With {at least} one of them published in print
- Teach my kids how to ride their bikes without training wheels
- Have more Date Nights with my husband
- Spend more focused time {being present} with my family
- Grow my Thermomix Team consistently
- Continue my Nutrition studies {keeping my grade}
- Travel overseas, at least once
- Hold {at least one} Cooking Workshop a month
- Get a second car
- Attend a personal growth conference
- Practice Yoga {almost} everyday
- Go to bed by 10:30pm {most nights}
- Upgrade this awful Laptop that keeps crashing on me!!!!! {with money from my cookbook sales}
- Have a family holiday somewhere {that’s not camping}
- Take more photos of my kids, not just food
- Visit my sisters
- Read more books {that aren’t just trashy romance novels}
- Cook more of the Dani Valent Cookbook Challenge I started earlier this year.
Luckily, I already have some plans in place for a few of these points {yoga everyday, notes for Cookbook #2 have started!!}, so it’s not a completely unrealistic list.
I’m looking forward to revisiting this post and reflecting on what I’ve achieved.
What’s on your list to accomplish in 2019?